Дмитрий Портнягин. Интервью Евгения Черняка в прямом эфире | Big Money

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Друзья, в связи с изменениями в графике бизнес-форума, мы вышли в эфир раньше. Полную версию интервью Евгения Черняка с автором и президентом клуба «Трансформатор» Дмитрием Портнягиным теперь вы можете просмотреть в записи.



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Всем привет! Новости ютуба и новости Тик Тока: Егор Шип встретился с парнем Вали Карнавал, Поцелуй Карины Аракелян и Руса, Даня Милохин и Юля Гаврилина снимут клип, борьба Егора Шипа с Дианой Астер, новый трек Марьяны Ро, что Аня Покров подарила папе, Диану Астер захейтили, Ева Миллер поцеловала Марка Макарова, Гоар Аветисян подарила маме квартиру, Артур Бабич подарил Дане Милохину футболку с надписью про Юлю Гаврилину, у Влада А4 27 миллионов подписчиков, Дина Саева встретилась с Джони, Настя Усеева и Влад Неопознанный переезжают, Катя Адушкина озвучила книгу, домогательства в тикток доме, Монеточка вышла замуж, Даня Милохин, Маха Горячева и Диана Астер у Андрея Малахова, клип Ольги Бузовой и Давы, что с Ивангаем, новая песня Тендерлибай и Перфе, Инстасамка сделает операцию по увеличению груди и новый клип Артура Бабича и Дани Милохина.

Подписывайтесь на канал Daria Jay: goo.gl/8Db4DU

Спасибо вам за то что смотрите и поддерживаете♥♥♥

Егор Шип рассказал правду про Валю

Егор шип и Валя Карнавал. Егор Шип про Валю. Валя хайпит на Егоре Шипе. Егор Шип рассказал всю правду. Правда Егора Шипа о Вале. Реакция Егора на новую песню Вали. — в этом выпуске.

Вк (сотрудничество) — vk.com/id603825782

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«Любовь, которая развивает» - интервью с Наталией Холоденко. Александр Палиенко.

«Любовь, которая развивает» — интервью с Наталией Холоденко. Александр Палиенко.

Ссылка на канал Натальи Холоденко — www.youtube.com/channel/UCsCqgdEyrsY4oMiSSPsJzNQ

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"Битва шефов": Дмитрий Ким против Михаила Набережного

В очередной битве шефов уже в третий раз примет участие Дмитрий Ким, а его соперником станет Михаил Набережный. Дмитрий Ким из Пятигорска — бренд-шеф сети ресторанов «Кресло». Дмитрий стал победителем предыдущих игр, где одержал победу над Виталием Зотиным и Екатериной Плотниковой, теперь от звания супер-шефа его отделяет всего лишь одна битва. Михаил Набережный из Хабаровска — шеф-повар и владелец кейтерингового агентства «2 шефа». Михаил всегда старается удивить своих клиентов необычными блюдами. В составе жюри: шеф-повар Кирилл Зебрин, актриса Эвелина Блёданс и ресторанный критик Катя Калина. Секретный ингредиент третьей битвы — баранина.


Frank Sinatra

Listen to our ultimate Christmas album: discover.lnk.to/ChristmasSongs

00:00 — Frank Sinatra — Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
02:35 — Frank Sinatra — The First Noël
05:20 — Frank Sinatra — Ave Maria
08:44 — Frank Sinatra — Winter Wonderland
10:06 — Frank Sinatra — Jingle Bells
12:44 — Nat King Cole — The Christmas Song
15:58 — Nat King Cole — Silent Night
18:06 — Nat King Cole — Deck the Hall
19:12 — Nat King Cole — Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
20:53 — Nat King Cole — O Holy Night
23:48 — Frank Sinatra — Ill Be Home for Christmas
27:00 — Frank Sinatra — Christmas Dreaming
30:00 — Frank Sinatra — Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
32:35 — Frank Sinatra — O Little Town of Bethlehem
35:41 — Frank Sinatra — Hark! the Herald Angel Sing
38:06 — Nat King Cole — Take Me Back to Toyland
41:00 — Nat King Cole — Mrs. Santa Claus
43:07 — Nat King Cole — The First Noel
45:02 — Nat King Cole — All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth
47:34 — Nat King Cole — God Rest Ye Mary, Gentleman
48:59 — Frank Sinatra — Light a Candle in the Chapel
52:05 — Frank Sinatra — While the Angelus Was Ringing
54:52 — Frank Sinatra — It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
58:22 — Frank Sinatra — The Christmas Waltz
01:01:27 — Frank Sinatra — Mistletoe and Holly
01:03:47 — Nat King Cole — Jingle Bells
01:06:19 — Nat King Cole — Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
01:08:06 — Nat King Cole, Pete Rugolo — Frosty the Snowman
01:10:22 — Nat King Cole — Caroling, Caroling
01:12:21 — Nat King Cole — O Little Town of Bethlehem

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Ella Fitzgerald - Christmas Songs (FULL ALBUM)

Ella Fitzgerald
Christmas Songs (FULL ALBUM)

00:00 Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
03:02 Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow
05:44 Winter Wonderland
08:00 Sleigh Ride
10:56 Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer
13:47 The Christmas Song
16:47 Jingle Bells
19:10 White Christmas
22:11 Frosty the Snowman
24:23 Good Morning Blues
27:38 Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
29:57 What Are You Doing New Years Eve
33:29 Stairway to the Stars
36:23 Santa Claus Got Stuck in My Chimney
39:28 Moonlight in Vermont

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Ella Jane Fitzgerald was born in Newport News, Va. on April 25, 1917. Her father, William, and mother, Temperance (Tempie), parted ways shortly after her birth. Together, Tempie and Ella went to Yonkers, N.Y, where they eventually moved in with Tempies longtime boyfriend Joseph Da Silva.

In 1932, Tempie died from serious injuries that she received in a car accident. Ella took the loss very hard. After staying with Joe for a short time, Tempies sister Virginia took Ella home. Shortly afterward Joe suffered a heart attack and died, and her little sister Frances joined them. Eventually Ella escaped from the reformatory.

In 1934 Ellas name was pulled in a weekly drawing at the Apollo and she won the opportunity to compete in Amateur Night. Ella went to the theater that night planning to dance, but when the frenzied Edwards Sisters closed the main show, Ella changed her mind. Fueled by enthusiastic supporters, Ella began entering — and winning — every talent show she could find. In January 1935 she won the chance to perform for a week with the Tiny Bradshaw band at the Harlem Opera House. It was there that Ella first met drummer and bandleader Chick Webb. Although her voice impressed him, Chick had already hired male singer Charlie Linton for the band. He offered Ella the opportunity to test with his band when they played a dance at Yale University. In mid 1936, Ella made her first recording. «Love and Kisses» was released under the Decca label, with moderate success.

In 1938, at the age of 21, Ella recorded a playful version of the nursery rhyme, «A-Tisket, A-Tasket.» The album sold 1 million copies, hit number one, and stayed on the pop charts for 17 weeks. Suddenly, Ella Fitzgerald was famous. Perhaps in search of stability and protection, Ella married Benny Kornegay, a local dockworker who had been pursuing her. Upon learning that Kornegay had a criminal history, Ella realized that the relationship was a mistake and had the marriage annulled. While on tour with Dizzy Gillespies band in 1946, Ella fell in love with bassist Ray Brown. The two were married and eventually adopted a son, whom they named Ray, Jr.

At the time, Ray was working for producer and manager Norman Granz on the «Jazz at the Philharmonic» tour. Under Normans management, Ella joined the Philharmonic tour, worked with Louis Armstrong on several albums and began producing her infamous songbook series. From 1956-1964, she recorded covers of other musicians albums, including those by Cole Porter, Duke Ellington, the Gershwins, Johnny Mercer, Irving Berlin, and Rodgers and Hart. The series was wildly popular, both with Ellas fans and the artists she covered. Unfortunately, busy work schedules also hurt Ray and Ellas marriage. The two divorced in 1952, but remained good friends for the rest of their lives.

By the 1990s, Ella had recorded over 200 albums. In 1991, she gave her final concert at New Yorks renowned Carnegie Hall. It was the 26th time she performed there. As the effects from her diabetes worsened, 76-year-old Ella experienced severe circulatory problems and was forced to have both of her legs amputated below the knees. She never fully recovered from the surgery, and afterward, was rarely able to perform. During this time, Ella enjoyed sitting outside in her backyard, and spending time with Ray, Jr. and her granddaughter Alice. On June 15, 1996, Ella Fitzgerald died in her Beverly Hills home.

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